Maria's girls

Maria's girls

Saturday, December 17, 2011

She is home!

Late this afternoon, Maria was released from the hospital, a week earlier than expected. Her blood counts had hit bottom and are rebounding nicely. While her white count is high enough to leave the hosptial, she is still at high risk for infection. She will be staying at her mother's house to minimize the noise, germs etc. And Gina is there around the clock if she needs anything. One huge prayer was answered and that was having her home for Christmas. She is weak and is losing her hair and battles constant nausea. Her symptoms were very mild compared to what they discussed with us. Our prayer now is that her immune system rebounds quickly and that this stem cell transplant is successful which will put her into remission. She be retested 100 days post transplant which will be in March to determine if it worked. Jeff would like me to send out a shout of gratitude to the unbelieveable and overwhelming support from the St. Monica community. People were so generous in shuttling and taking care of the kids and all the meals, cards, giftcards and prayers were amazing. They would also like to thank those in the Assumption community and Holy Spirit Parish for the prayer chains and love and support. They are amazed by the caring and generosity of strangers throughout this process. It is still a long road ahead but the burden is made so much lighter with the love that lifts them up through this difficult time. That is all for now.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing Christmas blessing.... simply thrilled. WIll continue to pray for Maria and her family!
